Sunday, March 7, 2010

My Future is Bright.

I just got a psychic reading.
These are things she told me:
I will witness someone being eaten by a lion.
Some guy named Manny and I are going to be tiiiiiiight.
I know someone who smokes pot. (WOW!)
I'm probably going to get traveller's diarrhea.
I'm getting blonde highlights, SOON!
I'm going to play darts. COOL!
I have a friend who looks like Nelly Furtado. (TRISHA IS THAT YOU?!?!?!)
And finally, my true calling is WALKING DOGS.

Thanks Psychic Nikki!!!


  1. i have a feeling you're going to witness someone getting eaten by a lion while on vacation with travelers diarrhea. i hope it's not manny!!!

  2. Mansa!!!!!!

    AHHHH!!!! The fact that you commented on my stupid blog just made my day!
